Thursday, January 13, 2011

Avocado and Crab Sandwich

Recipe: Avocado and Crab Sandwich
Page: 101
Date Cooked: January 11, 2011

So after my brief hiatus (vacationing in Florida over the winter holiday), I am back to State College and my usual routine. With my fridge completely empty, grocery shopping and another Jonathan Waxman recipe made the most sense. And after a long day, I wanted something quick, tasty, and filling. Luckily for me, the "Avocado and Crab Sandwich" was just the thing.

Ingredients: sweet onion, cilantro, avocado, Anaheim chile, lime, salt, lump crabmeat, multigrain bread, garlic cloves, and olive oil

Step One: Chop everything. The onions. The cilantro. The avocados. The chiles. And of course the limes were juiced. 

From Left to Right: Minced onions; chopped cilantro; diced avocados; stemmed, seeded, and minced chiles

The onions, cilantro, chile, and lime juice were mixed together. Salt was added. Finally, avocados were placed in the bowl and all the ingredients were mashed together.

Avocado Mixture

And that was all "hard part." I toasted the bread in the oven, and rubbed each slice with a garlic clove half. I had never done this before and initially didn't see how this would even make much of a difference, nonetheless the heat from the bread pulled the garlic flavor out. Each toast slice was then sprinkled with olive oil. One slice was topped with avocado mixture and then the crab. Finally ready to eat!

Avocado and Crab Sandwich

The sandwich was delicious. It felt light but filling and every component made sense. And it was super easy! Like I mentioned earlier I was unsure about the step that required rubbing half of a garlic clove on the toast, but it really made a difference. I ended up eating the same sandwich the next day but this time I skipped the garlic step. And it just wasn't the same. Disclaimer: I love garlic and put it in most of my cooking. But really it seemed to add another dimension to the sandwich that I truly appreciated.

Overall, it looks like I've been having a successful run with the last few recipes. And this is another ingredient combination I will keep under my belt. I also began to think how great this would be for an appetizer or cold finger food, by putting the same ingredients on those tiny pepperidge farm breads (seriously not an endorsement for this particular brand of bread) or something along those lines. Regardless the sandwich was exactly how Jonathan Waxman described it, "a purist sandwich."

Example of tiny bread.


1 comment:

  1. This looks really good, I may attempt to make this for myself :)
