Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fried Shrimp with Caper Mayonnaise

Recipe: Fried Shrimp with Caper Mayonnaise
Page: 40
Date Cooked: May 21, 2011

There was a pub-food like quality to this recipe that I truly enjoyed. It was a delicious way to make shrimp but yet soo accessible. There isn't much to say in the intro of this recipe so I will just get right to it.

Ingredients: lemon, egg yolks, Dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, capers, parsley, red pepper flakes, olive oil, salt, pepper, corn oil, all-purpose flour, salt, white wine, shrimp, and sea salt

So many of you know that the ONE thing I seem to be having the most difficulty with in this project is mayonnaise. I'm not going to lie...I cringe a little whenever I choose to do a recipe that requires making mayonnaise. Yet every time, I hope that THIS recipe will mean success. If anything at all, I am making soo much progress and this time I was definitely the closest I have ever been!

I whisked the yolks, mustard, vinegar, capers, parsley, and red pepper flakes together. I then slowly added the olive oil drop by drop while continuing to whisk. Finally, I added the lemon juice, as well as salt and pepper to taste. In the end I got mayonnaise.

Caper Mayonnaise

Then it was on to making the batter for the shrimp. I combined flour, salt, wine, and some water all together to make a batter. All the ingredients were mixed thoroughly until the batter was smooth.


I coated the shrimp with the batter and placed it into the hot corn oil until the shrimp were crispy.

Left: shrimp in the batter
Right: Frying the shrimp

I drained the shrimp on paper towels and sprinkled them with salt. I then served the shrimp with the caper mayonnaise.

Fried Shrimp with Caper Mayonnaise

I really enjoyed this recipe. The shrimp were amazing good. I really think the dry white wine in the batter may have done the trick. Also, this may have been my favorite mayonnaise flavor thus far. I used it on my sandwiches for lunch for a few days afterward as well. Overall, this was a fun and quick recipe. It really is a great starter in general or even a fun change for the usual fried fare that someone may serve.


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