Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lobster and Potato Chip Salad

Recipe: Lobster and Potato Chip Salad
Page: 86
Date Cooked: November 9, 2012

As I come to the end of this project, I have been ticking off the last few recipes in each category. This salad recipe was the last of the 10 salad recipes listed in A Great American Cook. Thus having made 9 of Jonathan Waxman's salads I was familiar with his vinaigrette technique. However, the write-up to this recipe informed me that Alice Waters taught him the balsamic vinegar and olive oil base for a vinaigrette. The spin on this vinaigrette is the addition of the red pepper juices after blackening, blistering, and steaming.

Ingredients: Lobster (not pictured), russet potato, olive oil, Kosher salt, black pepper, red bell pepper, green beans, oak leaf lettuce, balsamic vinegar, and basil leaves

I brought a pot of salted water to a boil, added the lobster, and cooked for about 8 minutes. I pulled the lobster out of the pot, let it cool, removed the meat from the shells, and cut into small chunks.

Left: Cooking lobster
Right: Bit-sized pieces of lobster

I peeled the potatoes. I tossed the potatoes in olive oil, salt and pepper. I spread the potatoes on a baking sheet and baked them till golden brown.

Making potato chips

While the potatoes baked, I roasted the red pepper till blackened and blistered. I let the pepper steam in a bowl . I peeled the pepper, stemmed, and seeded it. I then cut the pepper into strips and reserved the red bell pepper juices.

Blackened and blistered red peppers cut into strips

I brought a saucepan of salted water to a boil. I topped and tailed the green beans. I added the beans to the water and cooked for a few minutes.

Cooking green beans

I washed and dried the lettuce. Tossed the lettuce with the basil, green beans, and lobster. I then tossed it all with the vinaigrette. I arranged the salad on a plate and decorated it with the red pepper strips and potato chips.

Lobster and Potato Chip Salad

The salad was really good. It felt light and fresh. There were various textures on the plate - the crunch of the potato chips and the crispness of the green beans worked well with the other components of the salad. The vinaigrette was simple and didn't overpower the lobster. My one complaint would be the size of the green beans, perhaps cutting them in half would have worked better. All in all a well-rounded salad with lots of flavor.


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