Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Veal Chops with Roasted Pearl Onions

Recipe: Veal Chops with Roasted Pearl Onions
Page: 189
Date Cooked: June 1, 2011

According to Jonathan Waxman, "chops are the quintessential American cut of meat." While I'm not sure what the statement is based on but if the statement is indeed true, I suppose it makes sense that the recipe is in a book called "A Great American Cook."

Ingredients: Rosemary, lemon, butter, salt, pepper, pearl onions, veal chops, balsamic vinegar

The first part of this recipe entailed making a rosemary-lemon butter. I hadn't done this before and was surprised by its simplicity. However, because it was my first time, the butter wasn't as "pretty" as I would have liked. I mashed the butter in a bowl and then added lemon juice, rosemary, salt, and pepper. I then formed the butter into a log, but it into equal parts, wrapped it in plastic, and put it in the freezer.

Rosemary-lemon butter

I then began prep for roasting the onions. The onions were tossed together with rosemary, butter, salt, and pepper. Afterward, I created a package using parchment paper - rolling up the edges to seal, and placed the pearl onions in the oven to roast.

From Left to Right: Pearl onions tossed with rosemary, butter, salt, and pepper; Package of peal onions; After roasting

Once the onions were done roasting, I let them cool, and then proceed to peel the pearl onions. JW makes reference to "juices" that will be in the packet and placing them into a skillet. When I opened the package, there wasn't any liquid at all. Nonetheless, I proceeded as usual.

Peeled pearl onions

The chops were the easiest part of this recipe. They were seared on each side for a few minutes and then placed in the oven to roast for a bit.

Searing the veal chops

While the veal chops rested after being roasted in the oven, I finished preparing the pearl onions. I added balsamic vinegar to the skillet of pearl onions and heated through. Finally, I was ready to plate the veal chops, the pearl onions, and the rosemary-lemon butter.

Veal Chops with Roasted Pearl Onions

The dish was simple and tasty. I actually really enjoyed the roasted pearl onions and they could have easily been my favorite part of the meal. However, peeling all those onions was no fun task. There must be an easier way. The veal came out perfectly. I think I ended up with a really nice sear on both sides! Finally, the pat of rosemary-lemon butter on top = delicious.

BUT I need to make an important point about the butter. Jonathan Waxman is cuhrazy if his butter proportions are correct. The amount of butter shown in the picture is half the amount of butter he suggested (and even that was too much). Don't get me wrong...I love butter. I think it makes everything incredibly delicious. But, I also would like to avoid clogged arteries. I suppose that would be my 1 major criticism of this recipe. Nonetheless, I kept the remaining butter in the freezer and plan on using it for something else.


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