Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fettuccine with Cremini Mushrooms and Onion Marmalade

Recipe: Fettuccine with Cremini Mushrooms and Onion Marmalade
Page: 126
Date Cooked: October 14, 2011

Mushroom production is actually centered here in Pennsylvania. So after a few major rains, I knew the grocery stores would be fully stocked of mushrooms and it would be a perfect time for a mushroom based recipe.

Ingredients: Red onions, butter, salt, pepper, Pinot Noir, rosemary, parsley, cremini mushrooms, garlic, dry sherry, and dried fettuccine

The first step was the onion marmalade. I sliced the onions into thin slices and melted butter in a pan. I added the onions along with salt and pepper and allowed it to carmelize. I then added the wine to the pan and let it reduce for a bit. Finally, I stirred in the herbs and covered the pan to keep the mixture warm.

Making Onion Marmalade

Next it was on to the fettuccine with cremini mushrooms. I submerged the mushrooms into a bowl of cold water and let it sit for a bit. I found it funny that JW made a note about how people seem to be vehemently opposed to washing mushrooms. So much so, he states the following: "In truth, what happens in the forest? Doesn't it rain?" And I agree with him. It is a simple way of getting rid of most of the dirt and much faster than wiping them individually.

Submerged mushrooms

After the mushrooms soaked, I drained them on paper towels, and patted them dry. I then halved the mushrooms and minced the garlic.

Left: Halved mushrooms Right: Minced garlic

I melted some butter into a deep pan, added the garlic, and cooked till it was a light brown. I then added in the mushrooms along with salt and pepper; and let it simmer until a little liquid from the mushrooms were released. I included the sherry and allowed the mushrooms to cook for a few minutes longer.

Cooking the cremini mushrooms

Finally, I cooked the fettuccine until al dente and reserved some of the cooking water. I added the pasta along with the cooking water to the reheated marmalade and tossed well. I plated the fettuccine and topped it with the mushrooms and some black pepper.

Fettuccine with Cremini Mushrooms and Onion Marmalade

So I have mixed feelings about this recipe. The flavors were all solid. I enjoyed the marmalade and the cremini mushrooms. Everything worked well together but it was a little on the dry side. However, I had some leftovers the following day and the dish was amazing. Not dry at all. The flavors were much more intense and overall delicious.

Since I had two experiences that were quite different, I'm not sure how to rate this recipe. I wouldn't completely rule it out but I suppose I would have to think of a few changes.


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