Saturday, April 7, 2012

Asparagus with Oranges and Hazelnuts

Recipe: Asparagus with Oranges and Hazelnuts
Page: 25
Date Cooked: April 4, 2012

I love asparagus. But quite honestly, I don't do much with it. Many times I just blanch it. And more recently I've begun to roast the asparagus. However, I would have never thought to pair it with oranges and hazelnuts...

Ingredients: Asparagus, oranges, olive oil, sesame oil, hazelnuts, sea salt, and pepper

The prep work for this starter is quite simple. I trimmed the asparagus down, peeled the oranges and cut them into slices, and toasted the hazelnuts in the oven for a few minutes.

Left: Toasting hazelnuts Right: Sliced oranges

I placed the asparagus in a pot of boiling water, cooked the asparagus till crisp-tender, and drained them on a kitchen towel. In the meantime, I tossed the orange slices with both the olive oil and sesame oil. Once the hazelnuts toasted, I slightly crushed them, and added them to the bowl of oranges along with some salt and pepper.

Oranges and hazalenuts

I put the asparagus onto a platter, spooned the orange-hazelnut mixture on top, and served immediately.

Asparagus with Oranges and Hazelnuts

Wowsers! This dish was exceptionally good (and quick to make)! I almost couldn't believe that this combination worked so well. The hazelnuts provided this amazing sweet, nutty texture. The oranges with the olive oil and sesame oil...who would have thought. It was almost as if the sesame oil brought out the sweetness of the oranges. The woody flavor of the asparagus also paired very nicely with the oranges and hazelnuts. Though JW labels this as a starter, I think it would be a great side dish to many entrees. Nonetheless, it was nice to discover a new side of asparagus. There isn't a doubt in my mind that I will make this dish again!


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