Thursday, July 12, 2012

Apricot-Mango Crisp

Recipe: Apricot-Mango Crisp
Page: 260
Date Cooked: July 7, 2012

Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits. So seeing this recipe in the cookbook had me pretty pumped. There is no doubt that I enjoy desserts. But I really tend to gravitate towards fruit-based desserts. Perhaps, I can trick myself into thinking it's healthy or something. Not sure if this recipe falls into the healthy category, but I will pretend it does!

Ingredients: Walnuts, almonds, all-purpose flour, sugar, salt, grated nutmeg, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, mangoes, apricots, butter, and vanilla ice cream (not shown)

I finely chopped the nuts and placed them into a bowl. I added the flour, sugar, salt, and spices and mixed it together.

Left: Chopped nuts
Right: Flour-nut mixture

I then peeled, pitted and cubed the mangoes and the apricots. The fruit was combined in a bowl, mixed together with a tablespoon of the flour mixture, and I let it sit for a few minutes.

(1) Cubed mango (2) Cubed apricots (3) Fruit in some of the flour mixture

I cut the cold butter into cubes. I used my fingers to work the butter into the flour mixture until it formed pea size amounts.

Butter cubes in flour mixture

I transferred the fruit to a buttered baking dish and then covered the fruit with the butter-flour mixture.

Left: Layer of fruit
Right: Butter-flour mixture on top of fruit layer

I baked the crisp until the apricots were tender and the top was browned. I served it hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Apricot-Mango Crisp

The best way to describe the Apricot-Mango crisp is "homey." The flavors were warm and familiar and the fruit combination was just right. JW mentions that this dessert can be made with almost any fruit combination (except for citrus) and I can see exactly why. It was incredibly simple and speaks to the seasonality of the fruit with just the right amount of additional sweetness from the "crisp" component. I will be keeping this quick dessert recipe handy.


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