Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three-Tomato Salad, Version 1

Recipe: Three-Tomato Salad, Version 1
Page: 73
Date Cooked: November 27, 2010

While this recipe is called a "Three-Tomato Salad," Jonathan Waxman makes note of this misnomer. In actuality, it's the "Multiple-Tomato Salad, Version 1." I may be giving away the punchline....this salad was soo good yet so simple.

Ingredients: Red tomato on the vine, yellow tomato on the vine, orange tomato on the vine, Kumato tomato, grape tomatoes, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, basil

The tomatoes were sliced and arranged on plates in alternating colors. The olive oil and vinegar are whisked together. The salads are sprinkled with salt and pepper. The vinaigrette was spooned on at the last moment. Finally, basil was placed on the top.

Three-Tomato Salad, Version 1

The tomatoes speak for themselves and I was lucky to pick out some really great ones. The Kumato tomato was something I had never tried before and am now a believer. They definitely have more of a sweetness than regular tomatoes and were delicious.

This salad was simple and delicious. Not to mention, I personally think the colors and presentation look so wonderful and impressive. The salad was actually eaten with Bacon and Gruyère Burger with Guacamole and paired very well. The heaviness of the meat from the burger and lightness of the tomatoes and basil just went together superbly.



  1. The presentation is beautiful! You are really becoming a top chef!

  2. Thanks so much! I am having a blast doing this!
