Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Warm Dandelion, Bacon, and Potato Salad

Recipe: Warm Dandelion, Bacon, and Potato Salad
Page: 82
Date Cooked: December 6, 2010

My favorite part of this project is buying ingredients I have never bought before. I'm sure we all have this experience, you cruise down the grocery store isles and look at something, comment to yourself how interesting it is, and then make a mental note to come back to it. However, more often than not, you never seem to pick it up, despite the numerous mental notes.

I can say this about many ingredients required for the recipes I've made thus far and it holds true for this one as well. Dandelion has remained an ingredient that I consumed only when served to me at a restaurant. Many times, it is also presented in small quantities. With this recipe, I got a good sense of the flavor and texture of this leaf. And all in all, it made for an interesting salad...Warm Dandelion, Bacon, and Potato Salad.

Ingredients: Butter, small potatoes, garlic, salt, pepper, bacon, dandelion greens, shallots, sage, olive oil, mustard, sherry vinegar

The potatoes were the first items that needed preparation. They were cut into slices and spread in a roasting pan. The garlic was peeled and smashed and added to the pan. Finally, melted butter was drizzled on top of the potatoes and garlic. The pan was placed into the oven till the potatoes were golden and tender.

Pan of potatoes, garlic, and melted butter to be roasted

While the potatoes roasted, the bacon was cut into "lardons"; the dandelion stalks were removed and the leaves were cut; the shallots were minced; and the sage leaves were chopped.

1. Lardons of bacon 2. Dandelion greens 3. Minced shallots 4. Chopped sage

Once the potatoes were done, the garlic was discarded, and the warm potatoes were tossed with the dandelion greens. Bacon and olive oil were placed into a skillet and cooked till golden. The bacon along with some of the rendered bacon fat was tossed into the dandelion greens. In the meantime, the shallots cooked in the remaining bacon fat just until softened. And just like the warm ingredients before it, the shallots were tossed into the greens.

1. Only potatoes 2. Potatoes, bacon, and bacon fat 3. Potatoes, bacon, bacon fat, and shallots

And of course no salad is complete without dressing. So as the warm components continued to wilt the dandelion greens, the dressing was prepared. Mustard and sherry vinegar were added to the pan and whisked well. Then the sage was added. Finally, on low heat, the mixture was whisked with some olive oil until the dressing emulsified.

Left: Mustard, sherry vinegar, and sage mixture
Right: Completed dressing 

The dressing was poured over the dandelion greens and tossed. Finally, the salad was seasoned with black pepper.

Warm Dandelion, Bacon, and Potato Salad

I would categorize the Warm Dandelion, Bacon, and Potato Salad as one of those not so healthy salads. I mean come one people - butter + olive oil + bacon fat does not equal a healthy salad. Despite the non-diet disclaimer, the salad was delicious. Every ingredient played off of each other. The slight bitterness of the dandelion greens, the fat of the bacon, and the crisp earthiness of the potato made it a perfect combination.

I was surprised to find that the bitterness of the dandelion greens was indeed mild. Jonathan Waxman hits on this point in the introduction of this recipe - describing how warming the dandelion leaves three times (potatoes, bacon and bacon fat, and shallots) wilts the greens and removes some of the bitterness.

My one and only complaint was that I found the dressing to be a tad oily. I felt that not as much olive oil was needed in the last step of the dressing preparation. Despite this one hiccup, I would make this salad again. I mean, I did end up eating two servings in one sitting.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I don't think I've ever had Dandelion, but it looks awesome...I really wish I could virtually smell and taste this =)
