Sunday, November 27, 2011

Braised Carrots with Saffron

Recipe: Braised Carrots with Saffron
Page: 244
Date Cooked: November 12, 2011

If you ask me, carrots are somewhat of a boring side dish. I like them, but often use them in soups or stews. Accordingly, I didn't have any sort of expectations for this recipe. However, it appears that you only need three items to make carrots exceptionally tasty: 
  1. Saffron
  2. Sherry vinegar
  3. Butter
Ingredients: Carrots, sea salt, olive oil, saffron, sherry vinegar, unsalted butter, and black pepper

I put whole carrots (after I trimmed and peeled them) into a saucepan with some water and salt. I covered the saucepan, brought the items to a boil, and cooked the carrots till al dente. Once cooked, I patted the carrots dry.

Left: Carrots in salt water
Right: Carrots patted dry

I then heated some olive oil in the skillet, added the carrots, and cooked them for a few minutes. I added the saffron and sherry vinegar to the carrots and cooked for a few more minutes. Finally, I added the butter, covered the skillet, and took the pan off the heat for a couple of minutes.

1. Carrots in olive oil 2. Carrots in saffron and sherry 3. Carrots with butter

Finally, I seasoned the carrots with salt and pepper and they were read to serve.

Braised Carrots with Saffron

These were the most delicious carrots I have ever eaten in my entire life. No joke. It was amazing good. The saffron, sherry vinegar, and butter each added their own flavor to the carrots and also worked together harmoniously.  The recipe calls for a mixture of orange and yellow carrots. Unfortunately, I couldn't find an assortment. But I don't think this diminished the dish at all. Furthermore, it was a super fast side dish to whip up. And took little to no effort. Overall, I can't imagine carrots cooked in any better way. 

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