Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sea Scallops on Sweet Onions

Recipe: Sea Scallops on Sweet Onions
Page: 225
Date Cooked: August 17, 2011

The title of this recipe says it all. It really is all about the scallops and the sweet onions. And Jonathan Waxman makes a point to remind me that "it's a crime to mess around too much with scallops."

Ingredients: Sea scallops, white wine, sweet onions, unsalted butter, salt, pepper, and parsley

I placed the white wine and small scrap of a scallop in a small saucepan to reduce for a few minutes. The recipe actually calls for the small muscle attached the scallop, but the scallops I bought didn't have the muscles attached. I then strained the liquid and placed it on a side.

Sea scallop-white wine reduction

While the white wine mixture reduced, I sliced the onions as thin as possible. I then melted some butter in a pan and placed the onions along with some salt and pepper to cook on a low heat for quite some time. They continued to cook until "the onions [were] creamy and luscious." Later, I added the reduced wine to the onions and kept it all warm.

Cooking the onions will they are "creamy and luscious"

I salt and peppered the scallops and melted some butter into a pan. I placed the scallops into the skillet ("without disturbing them") and let them brown on each side.

Browning the scallops

Once the scallops were cooked on both sides. I placed the onions on a plate, put the scallops on top, and sprinkled on some parsley.

Sea Scallops on Sweet Onions

Scallops happen to be one of my favorite forms (if not my favorite) of shellfish and this recipe reminded me why. The simplicity of a scallop cooked to perfection sings on my taste buds. I just really enjoy it. The sweet onions were perfect in bringing out the sweetness of the scallops as well. But considering the onions were just cooked in butter over low heat for a while, I'm not all that surprised that it tasted soo good. This dish was simplicity at its best and didn't require much of a hassle. I really enjoyed it.


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