Friday, August 19, 2011

Three-Tomato Salad, Version 2

Recipe: Three-Tomato Salad, Version 2
Page: 74
Date Cooked: August 7, 2011

The summer tomatoes have looked wonderful at the store and I couldn't help but buy some. I later remembered that there was another version of JW's three-tomato salad that I made earlier and figured why not get another recipe down. The last salad recipe really celebrated the pure taste of a tomato and so I had high hopes for this one as well.

Ingredients: Red tomato, yellow tomato, orange tomato, small tiny assorted tomatoes, green basil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, and olive oil

The first step was to slice the large tomatoes and place them alternatively on a plate. I then cut the small tomatoes in half and julienned the basil. Note: the recipe actually calls for red or purple basil as well. I couldn't find any so I used additional green basil. 

1. Tomato slices 2. Halved small tomatoes 3. Julienned green basil

I then placed the basil into a bowl with the red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, and olive oil. I drizzled some of the vinaigrette on the sliced tomatoes and then tossed the small tomatoes into the bowl of vinaigrette. Finally, I placed the small tomatoes on the plate and garnished it all with some pepper and basil.

Three-Tomato Salad Version 2

I thought the salad was delicious. Overall, I can say that the salad recipes in this cookbook have more or less turned out to be quite delicious. The tomato salad stayed true to the taste of the tomatoes. The vinaigrette, pepper, and basil just highlighted those flavors. All in all it is a simple, beautiful, and tasty salad. The presentation is also quite impressive. It's one of those great summer salads that would be nice to serve to guests.


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