Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wilted Greens and Goat Cheese Sandwich

Recipe: Wilted Greens and Goat Cheese Sandwich
Page: 100
Date Cooked: September 27, 2011

I don't have much to compare this sandwich to and in this case it's a good thing. I thought the flavors were simply unique. Furthermore, I think it really is a sophisticated (JW's word choice) vegetarian sandwich.

Ingredients: sweet onion, garlic, olive oil, chopped greens, goat cheese, salt,  pepper, red pepper flakes, parsley, butter, and sourdough bread

The sandwich concept is really simple but I think it's the small touches of what to cook that makes it soo good. The first steps included slicing the onion (even though the recipe intro mentions minced onions) and mincing the garlic. I then heated some olive oil in a pan, sauteed the onions, added the garlic, and sauteed it a bit more. I then added the greens, until wilted and tender. The pan was then set aside to cool.

1. Sliced onions 2. Minced garlic 3. Sauteed onions, garlic, and greens

In the meantime, I mashed the goat cheese with a fork and added salt, pepper, and red chili flakes. I then stirred in the greens mixture and the parsley as well as additional salt and pepper to taste.

Wilted greens and goat cheese mixture

I lightly buttered the bread and spread the goat-cheese mixture onto the bread slices. I also melted some butter in a pan and then placed the sandwich (un-buttered side down) until the bread was golden brown.

Cooking the sandwiches

Once the sandwich was cooked on both sides, I removed it from the pan, cut it in half, and it was ready for consumption.

Wilted Greens and Goat Cheese Sandwich

Like I said, this was a sophisticated sandwich and I really enjoyed it. I enjoy vegetarian sandwiches, but often find them to be a little one note, however this was not at all. There was just the right amount of garlic. The parsley gave a great earthiness that goes so well with the goat cheese. I had some leftover goat cheese-greens mixture and made the same sandwich the next day, but without all the butter, and it was still just as good!  Overall, the sandwich was filling and overall yummy.


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