Monday, July 9, 2012

Vidalia Onion and Sweet Corn Soup

Recipe: Vidalia Onion and Sweet Corn Soup
Page: 59
Date Cooked: July 5, 2012

It seems that the last few JW recipes I have gravitated towards involve onions and corn. This recipe is no exception. But hey, it's summertime and both items are in season - so why not?

Ingredients: Vidalia onions, unsalted butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, white corn, chicken broth, parsley, tarragon, heavy cream, and serrano chile

I sliced the onions. I also heated the butter and olive oil in a pan. I added the onions to the pan, seasoned with salt and pepper, and cooked until the onions became soft.

(1) Sliced onions (2) Olive oil and butter in pan (3) Onions in pan with salt and pepper

While the onions cooked, I sliced the kernels off the corn. I added the corn to the soft onions and allowed it all to cook through. I then added chicken broth to the onion-corn mixture, brought it all to a boil, and then let it simmer for about half an hour.

Left: Onion and corn mixture
Right: After adding broth

Finally, I stirred in the parsley tarragon, heavy cream, minced serrano chile, and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Added heavy cream, herbs, and salt and pepper to soup

The soup was then ready for consumption.

Vidalia Onion and Sweet Corn Soup

The simplicity of this cannot be stressed enough. There wasn't much to it, but the flavor was bold and light all at the same time. The sweetness of the onion and corn definitely came through. But the addition of the herbs and serrano chile balanced it all out. Both the heavy cream and the serrano chile were listed as optional ingredients. In my opinion the heavy cream truly is optional. I tasted the soup prior to adding the heavy cream and it was quite delicious. However, I think the serrano chile was a bit necessary. Without it, there would be no spice. Overall, it was simple and really good.

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