Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spicy Swordfish Salad Sandwich

Recipe: Spicy Swordfish Salad Sandwich
Page: 107
Date Cooked: January 16, 2012

When you're cooking every recipe in a cookbook, you have to got to be strategic. Seeing if a specialty ingredient is required in multiple recipes or if one builds off another is essential. One thing JW likes to do is create sandwiches with leftovers from other recipes. Previously, I made a Roast Chicken and Scallion Sandwich with Warm Mayonnaise with leftovers from Perfect Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Spinach. This particular sandwich uses the swordfish leftovers from Spicy Swordfish. Had I not realized this before, it would have been unlikely that there would be any spicy swordfish leftovers to even make this sandwich!

Ingredients: Left-over swordfish, green bell pepper, aioli from page 102 (not shown), capers, dill pickle, chives, iceberg lettuce, olive oil, Hass avocado, sea salt, and rye bread

The aioli that Jonathan Waxman calls for this recipe has actually been utilized in two previous recipes (Warm Squid Salad and Soft Shell Crab and Aioli Sandwich). Those aioli making experiences were without a doubt sub-par. And since I have had mayo making success since then, I had high hopes for myself this time around.

I put egg yolks and garlic into a blender and pureed. I then added some salt. As the blender ran on a medium level speed, I slowly dribbled in the olive oil until the sauce began to emulsify. And you wouldn't believe it......aioli making success!!! I got the perfect consistency! It almost makes me want to re-do the other two recipes just to see if my verdict on those recipes would change at all.

Aioli making
1. Egg yolks and garlic 2. Aioli beginning to emulsify 3. Finished product - check out that consistency!

With the aioli out of the way, I began sandwich prep. I crumbed the fish into flakes and stemmed, seeded, and diced the bell pepper.

Left: Flakes of swordfish 2. Diced green bell pepper

I combined the aioli, capers, pickle, chives, and fish in a bowl. I covered the mixture and let it stand in the fridge.

Spicy Swordfish Salad mixture

In the meantime, I tossed the lettuce with olive oil and salt. I also pitted, peeled, and sliced the avocado.

Left: Slicing avocado Right: Lettuce tossed with olive oil and sea salt

I then toasted the bread and began putting the sandwich together. I spread the swordfish mixture onto one slice and topped it with the lettuce and avocado slices.

Spicy Swordfish Salad Sandwich

Yum! This was one tasty fish sandwich. Note: JW says any mild fish will work here. I really liked the sandwich. The crunch of the bell pepper and pickle was a perfect textural contrast. The avocado provided the right amount of fat. And this sounds so minor, but I think there is something to tossing the lettuce in olive oil and sea salt - you essentially get flavor from every single component of the sandwich. This was a winner in my book. I can't wait to have leftover fish in my future!


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