Monday, October 24, 2011

Mixed Peppers and Onions

Recipe: Mixed Peppers and Onions
Page: 248
Date Cooked: October 17, 2011

I had some leftover bell peppers and wasn't sure what to do with them and this seemed to be a great, easy, and simple recipe to try out.

Ingredients: Assorted bell peppers, olive oil, salt, pepper, sweet onion, garlic, and jalapeno chile

This recipe encompassed roasting the peppers. So I stemmed, seeded, and quartered the bell peppers. I placed the peppers on a baking sheet along with some olive oil, water, salt, and pepper. The bell peppers roasted until tender.

Roasting bell peppers

In the meantime, I diced the onion, minced the jalapeno (after seeding it), and minced the garlic. I heated olive oil in a skillet and cooked the onion, jalapeno, and garlic for a few minutes.

Cooking the onion, jalapeno, and garlic

Finally, I placed the roasted bell peppers in a bowl, added the onion mixture, and tossed well. I seasoned it to taste and it was ready to eat.

Mixed Peppers and Onions

When I read the title of this recipe, I immediately assumed it would just be bell pepper and onions sliced lengthwise and sauteed. But this was quite different. I liked that the peppers were kept in quarters. And it looked quite beautiful in the bowl. Overall, the dish was fine. Nothing to write home about but good.


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